26 Technical scenarios, technological options

Opening databases and making them available on the Web also requires contemplating technical and infrastructure scenarios to keep these databases accessible and up-to-date. This guide is based on three different scenarios, as suggested by the Open Government Data Toolkit of the World Bank.

These decisions should also be taken into account when compared to the agency's open data goals and how they fit into the five-star system. For comparison, the World Bank's technical recommendations only consider databases with, at most, three stars.

Three levels of complexity are considered, based on the number of databases available and the update frequency for each:

Level 1: less than 100 databases with less than 10 databases updated each week

Level 2: 100 to 1,000 databases with 10 to 100 databases updated each week

Level 3: more than 1,000 databases with 100 or more databases updated each week


This guide provides technical solutions as recommendations only without endorsing any software or technology solution from a specific company.