38 SQL format (dump)

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a programming language specifically designed for managing data held in relational database systems. Possible SQL commands include data insert, query, update and delete, database schema creation and modification, and data control. A database "dump" typically results in a list of SQL statements and allows anyone to restore the database by using its database schema and the values contained in it. A "dump" file typically is provided as follows:

-- Base de dados
CREATE DATABASE `ex_localidades`;
USE `Exemplos de Localidades`;

-- Estrutura da tabela para a tabela `localidades`
CREATE TABLE `localidades` (
 `nome de usuário` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,
 `senha` VARCHAR(16) NOT NULL,

-- Dados da tabela `localidades`
INSERT INTO `localidades` VALUES ('Continente', 'País', 'Capital'), ('áfrica', 'Angola', 'Luanda'), ('América do Norte', 'Estados Unidos', 'Washington DC'), ('América Central', 'México', 'Cidade do México'), ('América do Sul', 'Brasil', 'Brasília'), ('Europa', 'Espanha', 'Madri'), ('Europa', 'Alemanha', 'Berlim'), ('Oceania', 'Austrália', 'Camberra'), ('Ásia', 'Japão', 'Tóquio');

SQL databases are usually created and managed using tools intended for IT professionals. While CSV, XML, and JSON formats can be easily created in common text editors, an SQL database requires further refinement and technical knowledge.