7. Education and Research (Third Sector)



QEdu is a good Brazilian example demonstrating the benefits of the third sector, academia, and government working together to better understand basic education in Brazil and provide subsidies for public policies. This is a free portal developed in partnership with the Lemann Foundation and Meritt that allows anyone to obtain information about the quality of learning in Brazilian schools with data on public and private schools. The views are generated using databases from the Brazilian government, such as data from the National High School Exam (Enem), Prova Brasil ("Test of Brazil"), School Census, and special indicators of the National Institute of Studies and Research(INEP).

The tool shows how well 5th and 9th grade students learned mathematics and Portuguese; the profiles of students, teachers, and school principals who took the Test of Brazil; enrollments for each stage in school; pass, dropout, and failure rates, socioeconomic levels; school infrastructure; age-grade distortion; and more. You can search and compare by schools, cities, or states. The portal also allows anyone to filter and download data need in an open format.
